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I like to tinker with a wide range of artistic expression. I think I used to amuse/amaze my art teachers by the fact I could turn damn near anything into an art project (whether I had worked with the medium before or not). 

Dragon Age Designs

Fan Art and Merchandise


Dragon Age is more than a game, it's an addictive lifestyle. Since I know that I'm not alone in this obsession (and I like to share), I've made several shirt series for other DA lovers.


If you don't see your favorite character, don't despair - I do take requests and suggestions. I have draft designs for some NPCs, but I'm reluctant to show them until I'm happier with their final look. 


Custom Resource Pack


There is no reason for Minecraft to be as popular as it is - it looks like an 8bit title that got the Wreck-it-Ralph treatment. A sandbox game with no purpose other than to destroy, build, rebuild, tinker and occassionally slay monsters. 


That being said - I'm firmly addicted and even went as far as to start creating my own texture pack....


Clay is fun!


The feel of cold and slippery clay through your fingers is amazing. I really miss being able to work with it whenever I want. There are few places near where I live that offer sculpture resources, most 'ceramic' places are poured slip-ware.


I have very fond memories of my times working with Jay Gogin and his firey raku kiln.

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